Monday, September 12, 2022

Early Autumn

 I took a 2 mile early autumn walk on Thursday, Sept. 8.  The sun was hot but the breeze was chilly.  There is a quiet peace about this time of year.

Like the change in the air there is change in my surroundings.  Our park is now next to an apartment complex (in construction) where once was an open field.

Various early September happenings...

The most perfect half moon I've ever seen!!

Feathery, angel wing cloud over Vancouver

Gram G got a new roof put on in one day!

My second attempt at spaetzle...
turned out yummy.  Tried a different receipe.  A bit messy to make, but lots of chewy little noodles

Zach took me on adventures to the Vancouver Waterfront

Columbia River Gorge
One of the several high waterfalls

Smaller, Lucia Falls, north of Vancouver


But this time of year is not without its dangers! Friday and Saturday, 9/9-10, the weather turned hot with high winds and dry air.  Wild fire smoke filled the outside.  I stayed indoors with the air conditioning running full speed. The smoky air congests my lungs and gives me asthma. I decided to bake banana bread to use up bananas and eggs.  All was well until the first ever power outage for me. I had a sense of panic since my house is stifling without the air conditioning and the outside air was as bad.  I called Debbie to see if she was home and had power.  She was and did!  I told her I'd come over if my power wasn't back on within 30 minutes.  Blessedly it was!  I was a bit surprised at my sense of panic and helplessness.  But also encouraged there was relief for me if needed.  The power came back on. I finished the banana bread while enjoying healthy breathing.  Today, Saturday, I am staying inside and plan to occupy my mind with cleaning the piano studio (maybe), working on this post and organizing a new blog (more to come) and making chicken pot pie!  Yah, that is what I will do! 
10 Years in Review!
10 years ago on August 18, my sisters, Betsy and Kate, and I left Park Falls, WI for a 10 day, 1,300 mile road trip to Vancouver, WA!

One stop was Rugby, ND, the geographical center of North America

Also checked out an oil rig in ND
Tried our hand (and legs) at hitch hiking

Met up with niece, Vicky,  in Montana
Crossed the Canadian boarder to visit Banff and Lake Louise

Collected and drank 8 ounces of 12,000 year old glacier's to living to 120!!

Got a living picture of the three sisters and their mountain namesake
Post card of the THREE SISTERS MOUNTAINS in the Canadian Rockies

Were encouraged to enjoy the journey in British Columbia

Washington put out a welcoming sign for me!
(For many years I lived on Evergreen Street and now I am expanding my back yard to the Evergreen State)

Welcoming dinner at Island Cafe, Saturday, August 28!

Gram G drove her buggy cross country...with help from become a mountain mama

A journey well accomplished

You all come back for more 10 year review!

         These past three days I haven't done much except to piddle around in the house while binge watching THE CROWN.  My excuse is taking refuge from the heat and unhealthy air.  They have shown me how quickly ideal weather and living conditions can change.  And to appreciate more when things go OK.  I've already talked about a sense of panic in the unexpected and vulnerable with the relief of knowing there is also a way of escape. I am grateful.  "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble." (Psalm 46:1) 

This has been a good 3 GeoGram weeks in the life of Gram G.

"Lord, you establish peace for us; all that we have accomplished you have done for us." (Isaiah 26:12)

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