Friday, December 9, 2022

A Cornacopia of grateful Activities!

At this point in time it is closer to Christmas than
Thanksgiving, but lots of living went on these past autumn days!  Most of this post was written a few weeks back.  My motivator has been stuck lately!
I recently started presenting a hymn and church service at a local assisted living facility.  It is very rewarding, even though I am listed as Pastor Gloria Schmidt.  


One sunny, though chilly, afternoon Zach accompanied me on a walk through Orchards park.  I've been here 10 years and though this patch of woods is quite near, I have not visited it.  It's an impressive place in the middle of our neighborhood.  Very tall trees, a hobbit or two

And a rather boney, tall basketball player...

Awhile back I wanted some stuffed sweet red peppers, but tomato products are too acidity for me.
I tried raw shredded potatoes instead of rice and substituted beef gravy for the tomato sauce.

Is it a prize winning new recipe?  Probably not.
The potato gives a mushy texture, rather than chewy like rice.  The beef flavor and cheese is quite tasty...and easier on my digestive tract.

Finished, and been received...
Digital album of Emilia and Gram G's
trip from Milwaukee to San Diego...
And back! Such a fun trip!!

Wednesday, Nov. 16

It was a frustrating day at times!  Trying to figure out once again how to record and then save to wherever!  That part went alright, but trying to find where the lyrics were filed in the computer forced me into a few unsavory words. I was, also, disappointed that all 4 of my piano students canceled for various reasons, but I had more time to be artistic! I sent in TWO songs to the Great American Song Contest for the third year.  They say three's a charm.  We'll see come next March.  

Is it a bathtub or a shower  behind the flowing curtain....

Out with the old and in with the new!

I now have a modernized walk in shower!!

(It was)Time to send out Thanksgiving cards to my family!
It's difficult to find cards with turkeys on them these days.  

It's difficult sometimes, too, for me to kick back and enjoy everyday living; to take time to write out cards and send love and a prayer along with a note.  Yet, the most important aspect of life is staying connected to family and friends!
Life's big question: Can you be family and friends at the same time????

Our community is getting back to social gatherings!
Thanksgiving Dinner

Gobble, Gobble, Gobble
The Happy Turkey lives for another year!

Thanksgiving Family time and Labyrinth!

What gives Gram G a sense of victory these days?
How about searching the grocery meat department and finding nice sized natural chicken thighs in a small package and reasonably priced?
(I'll refrain from including a photo of the raw chicken.)
Here's the finished product

Chicken dumpling soup to warm the soul on chilly rainy days!  Yah!!

When snow makes a pretend visit to the PNW!

November has slipped into December, just overnight!
Let the games begin!!


It is sometimes difficult for me to be happy and energetic when the daylight is short and the outdoors is chilly and rainy; when I am forced to contend with annoying "unfun"  daily tasks that need to done; when there's only "me" to hang out with day to day. I'm a bit boring.  I'm so grateful for a large extended family and friends to think about and keep in contact with!!  Thank you!!

This has been a good 4 GeoGram weeks in the life of Gram G!

"Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and wonderful deeds for mankind, for he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things."  (Psalm 107:8-9)

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