Wednesday, October 18, 2017

But Wait! There's More.....

    ...Fun in San Diego!

I spent Friday and Saturday night (Oct.6&7) in Carlsbad with son Gerry and his family.

Saturday afternoon while grandson Jude enjoyed an 8 hour high school band practice and Gemma hung out with her dear friend Abby, from Australia, I visited Carlsbad Village for the first time.

The Village Faire was celebrating Octoberfest!  I was greeted by the music of "The Happy Wanderer" "Val-de-ri! Val-de-ra! Val-da-ra- ha, ha, ha!"  

 Finding my way to the musicians' platform I sang along for a bit.  I told the accordion player that I hail from northern Wisconsin.  "Oh, the real deal", he replied. 
After they played "Wooden Heart"  a lady dressed in German attire approached me and asked if I was from Germany. I replied no, but I lived most of my life in northern Wisconsin.  She informed me she is from Minnesota and a former accordion player until her shoulders gave out.  She then invited me to dance a polka with her, which I was eager to do since California and Pacific Northwest folks don't know what that is.  Later we tried a Strauss waltz.  Fun!!
   While the musicians took a break I browsed through a nearby gift shop.  The clerk asked me, "What do you think of that music?"  Having replied that I like it she quipped, "I don't get it.  I just don't get it."  California folk....
   The musicians graced me with "The Blue Skirt Waltz" and "Clarinet Polka" (played on a flute) among others before they closed for the day. to my former Wisconsin soul!  

The afternoon experience was somewhat International as I tried out homemade gelato (Italian).  
The best in the area according to Gerry.

 All that polka dancing gave me an appetite. 
A taste of the Himalayas sounded just right.
I was planning to sit outside, until I saw the inside.  
What better way to enjoy a Himalayan salad than to sit on a couch,while listening to eastern mountain music! 



Ye Ol Slimemaker Master.....

Late Saturday was time for me to watch the master at work...after Dad bought needed supplies.  Glue, Borax, shaving cream, contact lens solution, blue dish soap (maybe it was green).  Might be some water involved a well. Abby took lessons from the Master....

Start with a large glob of glue, add the shave cream, mix well, add the borax and somewhere in there stir in some contact solution...

Stretchy, gooey, non-drying green slime!! Life is good!!  One can even add sparkles!!  Oh, Ya!!


 It's all about the pumpkins!

 On Monday Bill, Gram G and Berklee visited the Bate's Farm  while mom Amanda took a rest....
Along the eucalyptus trees 

And chocolate ice cream cones.

A hayride...

Cutest little pumpkin in the patch....Berklee...

Time to pick the perfect pumpkins!!

Falafel Time!

Monday evening was Mediterranean dinner night...

Homemade falafels!!

Amanda mixed them and cooked them in veggie oil, then served them with greens mix, cucumber sauce and fried chick peas!! YUM!! (Falafel is mashed chick peas and seasonings.)
I ate several falafels while in Israel for 10 days some years back.  The tour guide said it was their fast food, their McDonald's....
Amanda sent a package mix home with me.  I will add falafels to my food repertoire! 


One more sunny adventure Tuesday morning before returning to chilly, rainy Portland.
 A brief walk along Lake Poway.

GPS took us on a wrong turn and drive through scenic roads.   Amanda found a new family hiking park for future fun.

By late afternoon, Gram G was on her flight back to 48 degree PNW.

Flying over next summer's new notable adventure....The Channel Islands with granddaughter Olivia from Milwaikee, WI!!

This has been a good 5 "more fun in San Diego" days in the life of Grandma G.

"May the peoples praise you, O God; may all the peoples praise you.  Then our land will yield its harvest, and God, our God, will bless us.  God will bless us, and all the ends of the earth will fear him."  (Psalm 67: 5-7)

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