Tuesday, June 9, 2020

A Mostly Outdoorsy Week


Monday, June1...
June brings the promise of summer, sun and warm outdoorsy days.  Last week was mostly rainy but this week we have a forecast for sun until Friday.  
Monday was a great day for a 2 mile walk and a short visit with a faithful 80+ year old friend who was out in her yard.  She showed me her garden and said how being outside made her feel so much better than being alone in her house.  We made plans for me to come over "for a sit" and  an outdoor visit sometime soon.  
Tuesday afternoon while sitting outside thinking about life, I observed my neighbors leaving their driveway.  Great time to do some outdoor cleaning that they might think a bit peculiar.  Scrub the green sidewalk floor, wash the stepping stones, wipe down the table and chairs (that's not too peculiar). Happily, I was just finishing up when they returned with their groceries.
 Wednesday I was a bit unnerved with all that is going on.  Having got up late after being awake early morning the day got an unsteady start.      

June is the height of rose season here in the PNW.  The scent of roses and the beauty of them is everywhere in the park. 

In the afternoon I went for a short walk.  It was a peaceful time. The atmosphere was serene. The sun was quite warm but the air was cool.  It seemed the concrete had bits of tiny crystals in it.

How many guys does it take to run a chain saw and clear out a not so giant tree?

At home I worked out in the yard for a couple hours.  I had bought a small container of purple petunias about 10 days ago.  I love the smell of them.  Time to get them into bigger pots.  I wanted a hanging plant for the porch but with money tight I couldn't afford one.  Time for economy re-purposing!  So armed with some tunes, a storage bin of old dirt and a planter needing replanting I set to work.  A perfect afternoon, except for an unsuspecting little frog who was rudely made homeless by a huge lady monster who tore apart his planter home.

He ducked into the deck slats but peeked out to see what would happen....sorry, guy.... 

DIY hanging plant for the front porch...

At one point  I heard a familiar  tune played in a long ago remembered fashion...the tingling sound of The Entertainer played by an ice cream truck!
And like a kid I made quick run before he was past my house!  I bought 2 fudge bars! Refreshing on many levels!

Thursday was a cool, sunny, breezy day.  Late morning I started to trim a tree in the front yard then saw a neighbor lady in her yard.  We visited for over an hour.  We are all eager for company.

Just cause I can't get a haircut, doesn't mean my trees can't get their nose hairs clipped and their hair cut. The procedure took longer than I thought, but it was great fun to be immersed in the sunny, cool breeze! Gave the pompoms a styling, too.  

The outdoors was so inviting that I spent a couple hours into the evening cleaning out a side section from old ground cover....picture the entire area full of that green stuff...now its gone and waiting to be remodeled.  I have a fun idea for disguising the metal stuff sticking up.  
The 5-6 hours were so refreshing it almost felt like a day on the mountain!

 Friday, physically all tired out, but content.
 Back to the dentist!  Can't wait to see how they maneuver through the mask!
Got a tiny Portland ponytail going!!

Vancouver is officially in phase 2 of re-opening!  I'm excited to see what new (resumed) adventures lie ahead!

Jake's my Saturday man!!  
Power washing is a fact of life here in the Pacific Northwest. With all the rain, sidewalks get scummy.  They need strong pressure to clean them.  The same with rain gutters.  
Today was the start of several days of rain, but Jake gave the cleaning a start until "a little rain" turned into a lot of rain.  He'll continue another day until my house is all spiffy clean!

I'm cleaning the studio and hoping piano students will return soon.  I am contacting them to let them know I will start in-studio lessons next week.  It will be great to get musically interactive again.  I have a few online students and that's kind of fun too.  

Check out Gram G's life story: Chapter 7 on...
page: I Will Not Leave You....Chapter 6

This has been a good GeoGram week in the life of Grandma G.

"Be exulted, O God, above the heavens, and let your glory be over all the earth.  Save us and help us with your right hand, that those who love you may be delivered."  Psalm 108:5-6

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