Sunday, July 26, 2020

Midsummer Break....


With this being the middle of summer I thought it would be fun to take you on a pictorial stroll of my gardens and greenery.  The tour is only $18.45; $14.45 if you have a group of 10 or more.  However, since there are social distance concerns you cannot have over 10 in a group.  Sorry... If there are less than 10 you'll still have to pay $18.45.  The most cost efficient is an exact group of 10.  That's how business works, you know....

Gram G's house when I first moved in 8 years ago.

Have a start in the hobbit garden... behind the garage and out the living room window...

Flashback six years ago!
This was my "back yard"

Jake was my handy guy who hauled in dirt after hauling out gravel.

I lined up the stepping stones, spaced out clumps of Irish moss and Jake planted small Arborvitae. Next year I painted the patio "floor".  Each new spring nature filled in more and more...  

My little monkey tail tree is growing nicely.  Wonder if he will still fit into the hobbit garden in 100 years!

Now leisurely continue your tour up the steps and across the decorative deck....

Down the steps to the back gardens...

 Family Stepping Stone patio garden...

The Midwest fountain garden..

Trog, having a sit and looking on
The oriental garden...the desert garden...

Prehistoric garden...waiting for a dinosaur egg to hatch is a forever thing....

Flashback to garden prep pine tree planted...

...on the north side of house
6ft zebra grass...along with plants and gnome people...

South side of house still in need of cultivating....
the "desert" side...

Back of the house looks great as succulents take over in one summer and a neighbor's plant crosses the fence!

This tour will take you about 5 minutes, unless you want to savor the ambiance, take in minute details and guess where the rocks come from...

...then linger however long you want... 
(there's lots more rocks...)
Thank you!  And come for a sit anytime...


My new theme....I virtually don't want to do anything anymore....

This has been a good 2 GeoGram Weeks in the life of Grandma G.

"Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being...
 The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and take care for it.  (Genesis 2: 7 &15)

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