Saturday, September 7, 2013

Birthday Weekend......

          This is a 2 sisters B-day weekend for 2 granddaughters in Wisconsin.  Today-Saturday- is the oldest sister's 8th B-day.  Tomorrow-Sunday- is the younger sister's 6th B-day.  (The youngest sister has to wait until May 5 for her golden 5th B-day.)
          With me living so far away Grandma G has to settle for phone visits with the Birthday girls.  That doesn't keep me from celebrating here, though.  
           After water aerobics I was planning to have a grandson come over to help put my studio into order.  His younger brother was going to be playing in a middle school football game in the afternoon.   I opted to go to the game since the day was so beautiful and the other grandma would drive the 20 minute trip.  Work can wait another day.

Columbia River
      On the way home we ladies stopped at a small Thai restaurant.  A happy surprise....It happened that the owner was a lady that Carole worked with 12 years ago.  They remembered each other and chatted away while we decided our dinner choices. 
A Thai meal fit for queens
Thai iced tea, sticky rice, stir fry, rice noodles
spring rolls with peanut sauce, coconut ice cream
        And yesterday, Friday?   Well, as long as you asked.  This is how that went.   Thursday night was very rainy--and into Friday morning.  The weather site said it would ease up as the day went on. 
I took the car back to the repair shop late morning.  The piercing squeal had started again the day before and continued on for part of the drive.   Then stopped--like it did 2 weeks ago. 
        The kind mechanics said they didn't know how long the "check up" would be since they needed to investigate another problem as well. I went to walk a couple blocks to the mall---for MALL THERAPY.  Walking around, hanging out, watching other folks, snacking at the food court and, oh ya, spending money.  I passed up a lot of clearance racks, but did find 2 pairs of  foot wear suitable for the rainy Pacific Northwest winter. 
        Three hours later it was back to the car repair.  The squealing noise was, indeed, a rock that found its way into something.  But the brake pads and rotors (?)  need replacing soon.  Also have to bring it back for them to check out a middle  gasket that probably needs replacing.  I asked the fellow working on the car if he thought that I will have a reliable car when all this is done.  He said , yes. 
Hopefully he know what he is talking about.   (Remember, you did ask how Friday went, didn't you?)
         Earlier in the week I was considering going to a singles evening at the local Christian center.  By late afternoon I was feeling a bit insecure and already had plenty of MALL THERAPY and auto mechanic exchange so decided NOT to go.  There will be the first Friday evening of Oct. coming up in a few weeks anyway.  Maybe then.   
       This has been a good 2 "rainy/sunny" Pacific Northwest days in the life of Grandma G.
      "In the way of righteousness there is life; along that path is immortality."   (Proverbs 12:28)

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