Saturday, May 4, 2013

The Grocery Club Card Game......

   I have stack of plastic cards almost enough to play a game of cards with.  Credit cards, debit cards, insurance cards (current and expired), identification cards, business cards, driver's license card, get into National parks free card,  gift cards, eat at this restaurant cards, rewards for spending your money here cards,  load your e-coupons here cards, Social Security card, AARP card,  AAA card, Bi-Mart member card, clothing store cards, and now, grocery loyalty club cards.  No wonder my right shoulder is sore--carrying all those cards in my purse.  
      I will know I have settled in here when I have all those cards sorted and known by color, when I know which one to haul out where.
      I was quite pleased today when after having signed up for a particular grocery loyalty card and receiving it I was able to go to their web site,  (AFTER creating a customer ID and password, confirming the password, registering my email address, confirming my email address, selecting  and answering 3 security questions) sign in and select valuable e-coupons to be loaded onto my loyalty card.  Yeah!   With this weekend's deals (and a $10 PAPER coupon cut out of the local flyer) I saved $40 on an otherwise $90 grocery bill.  Yeah!
      I'm SO glad life has gotten SO simple these days.   Those poor uninformed, unregistered folks that had to pay $90 for the same groceries I just bought.
      It merely took me all morning to figure out all that simplicity, twice as long to get to the store since it was rush hour, 2 hours to shop since it was my first trip to that store, an almost collision with a flower studded curb because of SUNSHINE, a five minute wait at 2 major intersections and then several trips into my house with the dainty plastic bags.  BUT it was a glorious plastic, e-coupon, grocery money saving experience for Grandma G.
          Today was our 6th day in a row of fabulous warm, sunny days here in Vancouver.  The temperature reached the low 80's.  SWEET.
           I spent a little time freshening up the flowers Deb gave me for my Birthday in February and picking a few weeds.
           I needed to get back to a couple stores since I ran out of time and energy yesterday.  Deb and family are coming for dinner tomorrow evening----with a promise of helping with a few chores I need to have done.  
           This evening I was energized to make dessert for tomorrow.  I had boughten a delicious looking  container of strawberries yesterday.  Decided to try chocolate covered strawberries.  YUM!

       I hope we eat a lot of chocolate covered strawberries tomorrow.

       The evening was wonderfully warm, sunny and breezy.  Time for tea on the deck.

      This has been a good 2 warm, sunny Vancouver, WA days in the life of Grandma G.

      "You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.  Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord, is the Rock eternal."  (Isaiah 26:3 & 4)


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