Sunday, December 30, 2012

Visiting Day...

     After a late night (I stayed awake blogging until 1:30AM) I had to do some hard talking to myself to get out of bed and venture out.  All through the night I heard the crunch of tires rolling across the snow covered streets.   I reasoned that a late, restless night was adequate excuse to sleep away the morning.  But then I also knew this was my only chance to see church friends and to attend a 50th wedding anniversary celebration for my almost first cousin.  SO....out of the cozy bed I climbed.

    Do I remember how to drive on this stuff?  In a borrowed car?

 Church service at my
         "old church"
Renewing wedding vows after
                      50 years
     Ginger and I grew up in towns close to each other.  She was my "cousin".  I lived with an aunt and uncle for several years.  My aunt was my dad's sister.  All of my  uncle's  Kundinger family populated Park Falls so I was included as part of that bloodline, though not officially.  I roughhoused and wrestled with the boys cousins and knew the girl cousins that lived  north of us. 
      In adult years after we all went our own ways Ginger and I were reunited when we both became members of the Park Falls church.  We are great friends and Ginger considers me family.  On one occasion a few years back Ginger admitted how jealous she was of me when growing up with Aunt Emma and Uncle Jack.  Really?  It was probably because my aunt always had a taste for fine clothes, nice furniture and huge, delicious meals.  I had no idea Ginger felt that way.  All is fine between us now.
     There is a remarkable story between Ginger and her mother, Louise (who is still alive at 101).  Louise had Tuberculosis as a young married woman.  She was in the sanatorium for several months.  At one point she was allowed a 2 week home visit.  Louise returned to the sanatorium and discovered she was pregnant.  The doctors wanted her to abort, saying that the baby would hinder her recovery but she refused saying that God had given her that baby.   It turns out that the growing fetus held up Ginger's lung, enabling it to heal and become well.  Later the doctors said the baby actually had saved her life.   
     After church there was a meal and reception for Claude and Ginger.  That was great for me since it allowed me to visit with many church friends and Kundinger family friends I hadn't seen for a long time.  Even my real brother, Fred, came in.  I hadn't visited with him when I left in August. Everyone was interested in my new life in the Pacific Northwest and had inquiries about the RAIN.  Not that bad, I said.  
     By mid afternoon--with me full of food and conversation--I returned to Betty J's home.  It was time for a long winter's nap for both of us.  (2 hours for me.  Great).  After supper we began a "3 out of  5" Upwords game tournament.  With me taking control of the first two wins, we'll have to see how the rest go in the next few days.  Then it was once again time for another long winter's nap.  (Is that a long nap in winter or a nap in a long winter?) 
    I missed a day of sunshine in Vancouver,WA today.  It is a totally different world here in the north mid-west in winter.  Most of one's energy goes into staying warm and occupied inside while the arctic air is dominating outside.  I have a renewed admiration for the hardy people who call this area home.  Me?   Call me a Pacific Northwest Mountain Mama.  Love the folks here, but can't wait to get back to green grass, rain and mild temperatures.   
       This had been a good "visiting PF friends" day in the life of Grandma G.  
       "God sends his love and his faithfulness."  (Psalms 57:3)  

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