Saturday, February 18, 2012

Relaxing Saturday...

  Today is a relaxing Saturday.  The sun is shining brightly; the sky is blue.  There is a smattering of ice crystals on the windows and sparkly snow in the yard.   Which means.......a nippy 10 degrees outside!
     A relaxing Saturday to me means I don't have to go to the music store today or have any other "have to" activities outside the house.  I do "have to" do the dishes, unpack my suitcase and do laundry----all of which have been waiting since Monday.  I "hope to" look up vacation rentals for South Dakota in late June, call 2 sisters in Indp, have B-day pizza with Al and his family, sort out paperwork, vacuum the floors, make potato salad, work on this blog and watch a movie this evening.  Good Day already at 8:45AM!

     8:30PM.  SO.........what did she relaxingly get done on this relaxing Saturday?
She did the dishes and the laundry---which is quite a lot, seeing that 3 loads involve putting on one's winter coat 7 times for 7 trips up and down the basement stairs which are through the back porch which is not heated.  So there.   But she is  not complaining or even hinting at any inconvenience.
   I decided NOT to go anywhere today because of the chill in the air and I have a stomach ache.  I did telephone socialize with Burt and 2 sisters in Indianapolis.   My older sister, Rosie, recently had a heart ablation. (I had one done in late August.)  I was glad to hear that it went well.   Kate and I also discussed Rosie's heart ablation and a few other family matters.  I briefly let her know I don't know when or how I am moving this summer but I will let her know when I know.
     I did a tiny search for vacation rentals in Black Hills area of South Dakota.  I also mapped out a "3 sister cross country road trip" with a turn into Banff National Park, Canada.  It is 2208.92 miles and 39hours, 50 minutes from here thru there to Vancouver, WA  if one drives straight through. 3 sisters= Kate, Betsy, Geo                                   Will they or won't they? 
3 sisters reminds me of an "incident" in Oregon with Lou.  I wasn't there, but the account goes like this.  There are 3 mountain peaks in the area.  Collectively they are referred to as "the 3 sisters".  In Oregon one does not pump one's own gas--an attendant does.  I think it was Chuck who was driving. He stopped for gas at a station named, "the 3 sisters".  A matronly lady pumped the gas.  Lou, being quite outgoing and unaware of "the 3 sisters" mountains asked her, "Are you one of the 3 sisters?"

     I was thinking and praying a bit this afternoon--still wondering if Vancouver is the right move for me.  I told God I need ONE more confirmation outside of myself.  Later this afternoon I was sorting through junk mail.  There was one for AAA.  I was glancing through it and about to throw it out when I thought perhaps I should think about it since I will soon be on my own.  They were offering some free map books. 

     There was no pizza party this evening thanks to my stomach ache. (I am beginning to suspect an unruly gall bladder.)  Nor did the floors get vacuumed, but it's been since last August so what is another week or two.
     Movie time at 9PM .  Good time to mix up potato salad while watching TV.  Watched a great movie about Loretta Claiborne, Special Olympics champion.  AND got the p-salad made.

This was a good productive, relaxing Saturday in the life of Grandma G.

"Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed."  (Proverbs 16:3) 

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