Saturday, March 3, 2012

Good Days Ahead!

   Scenes from our snow covered world!

I've had a battle of the mind and feelings going on the past evening and earlier today.  I'm at that inner place where past emotions and events want to haunt my present.  Feelings of "you don't deserve anything", "you aren't capable",  "you're going to be poor and weak  in your future years","you're not going to achieve much of anything", "you don't have the right to be happy". This shows what abuse can do to a person.  Even as a senior adult such attitudes have rooted themselves deep in my soul and make life difficult to enjoy.   Yet God and the Bible tell me otherwise.  I've had to sit, pray, concentrate on the truth of the goodness of God and life and me  until I could sense strength and healing come in---and a conviction that God is blessing my day and my future with good things and good times.

   The result?  I had an enjoyable day.  I made a plate of deviled eggs, cooked a pot of chicken soup with veggie that needed to be used, did 2 loads of laundry, sent a get well card out to Diego, washed the dishes, practiced for a Lutheran church service I am playing for in the morning, worked on a cover layout for my new CD, ....and.....almost forgot.....came close to burning down the house.  Actually, it wasn't that bad.

   I was busy cutting up veggies for the soup.  I reached over and turned on the front left burner of the electric stove.  I started smelling a "toasted" aroma.  I figured there was a little something on the bottom of the pan.  The toasted smell got a little stronger, but whatever was on the pan should be burned off soon.  As the fragrance became reminiscent of a campfire, I thought I better take a closer look.  Sure enough, a roll of paper towel--safely on the BACK left burner--- was smoking.  I quite quickly grabbed it and was relieved to see no flame.   Someone turned on the BACK left burner, instead of the FRONT.  Paper products are safe on the surface of a flat top stove as long as the wrong burner isn't turned on.  I'm sure that's how it works.(I'm glad my kids don't read my blog or they will insist I get LIFE ALERT.)

Some one gave me this coin a few days ago.  She said to throw it away because it is  junk. (Hope our Canadian friends didn't hear that.)  I said, heck no, I'm going to Canada this summer and now I have some money to spend. A few years back here in northern Wisconsin we routinely spent Canadian coins whenever we got them.  That was outlawed not too long ago.
   Tomorrow I get to pack for a trip to San Diego with Angie and her boys, Austin 10 and Ryan 8.  I get to pack for WARM WEATHER. Yeah!  Austin was on a plane almsot 6 years ago when we all went to Yellowstone.  Ryan has not been on one yet.  It will be a fun and exciting time for all of us!

On the way to Milwaukee onTuesday I am stopping at a recording studio to set up my new CD,  I am excited about that. 

     My heart goes out to the people in the many states that were hit with all the destruction by tornados. It is one thing to be living in a rented house while you are looking for one of your own, but so much more serious  to have no home because it was destroyed.

       " 'For I know the plans I have for you.', declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future '." (Jeremiah 29:11)

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