Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A VC Poodle? All Roads Lead to VC?

     This morning I was playing a "pick one" game on the Travel Channel website for a chance to win a trip to Australia.  I didn't know the answer so I clicked on "hints".  There appeared a strange looking, though, dignified dog. (The question pertained to dog shows.)  Reading the short explanation I noticed it was last year's winner for best show dog.  And his home?   VANCOUVER, WA!  Now what are the random chances of meeting up with a champion from your own soon to be home town?
     On my way to work at noon there was a plastic garbage can blocking the ally. It's lid was a little to the side.  I didn't feel like getting out of the car--I was in a hurry--so I figured I could just go around the can, drive over the lid and it would pass through under the car.  Nothing is ever that easy.  The lid got stuck and I didn't want to crush it (not neighborly).  I drove forward and backwards a few times, got out to see where the lid was stuck, drove forward and backwards a few more times, got out to see where it was stuck and how to angle my tires to miss it and commenced to successfully drive over it! It may have been quicker and easier to just get out and move the garbage can cause I had to move it anyway.
     The afternoon at the music store was quiet.  I did practice a hour and half on my recital pieces---that is always satisfying for me.  One customer came in sporting a thick layer of pinkish, red hair under the front of his baseball cap.  I thought I should know him (twice he called me by my first name).  He is the older brother of a former student.
     A young fellow who came in for a lesson announced that he had to warn me that he has a skunk inside him.  He doesn't know why and it just rolls out of him.  I told him thanks for the warning.  Fortunately the skunk behaved during the lesson.
     I gave out 4 more "retirement" letters.  One dad said that it is "too bad" that I am leaving but he doesn't blame me for wanting to leave the cold winters.  A lady cried a little and said she would miss me, but that she, too, hopes to get to warmer weather when she retires.  It is an emotionally difficult week for me and I will be glad when all the announcements are done.
     I have programmed a different template for my blog!  Perhaps you have noticed.  This is still a learning experience for me.  So hang in with me and enjoy the ride!    
     The March winds are busy and strong tonight.  There is a constant rumble of thunder, like the sky is belching--no rain, though.

     This has been a good "little bit odd" day in the life of  Grandma G.

     "Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never let the rightous fall." (Psalm 55:22)


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