Thursday, March 29, 2012

Got Past the Ogre!

(ALMOST an ogre)
       Have your ever dreaded a situation so badly you just couldn't confront it?  That's an ogre.  I got past an ogre this morning.  I had to work up the courage by praying before, taking a deep breath, setting aside emotions, putting on a professional poise and factually speaking.  I didn't like the interchange but I am past the ogre and can proceed with what needs to be taken care of.  It drained me emotionally and physically, but I also felt myself grow in self esteem and confidence.  This is all part of the journey west.  There are hills and mountains to climb, valleys and rivers to cross, places where there are no paths to follow, bad weather to endure, scary creatures to confront, fatigue, stress and occasional ogres blocking the road.  But I am "keeping on keeping on"!
     Most of the day was good and peaceful, though I have mixed emotions now that closing the store and ending lessons is public knowledge.  I am a little insecure about moving 1,500 miles west at 66 years old. Yet I am looking forward to milder winters, long walks, hanging out with my daughter and her family, new friends, blogging, giving piano lessons, working on CDs and maybe DVD's with a new recording studio friend!             VC, here comes Grandma G!
Yellowstone National Park, May 14, 2006
(dirty snow piles in the background)
     I walked a 25 minute, 1.30 mile on the treadmill this AM.  I couldn't do that a year ago without my heart acting up.  Since the ablation late August I can do so much more and have more energy.  There are times the SVT feel like it wants to happen, but after a few seconds its gone.
     The local paper came out today.  It has an ad for 20% off all items at Northwoods Music and announcement that the store is closing May 25.  People who come in express their disappointment but wish me well.  None has ever said I am foolish to leave the winter weather.  Parents of students also express disappointment, but say good luck.  I am honored that folks think well of me.
    At the store I spent a couple hours working on the rhythm of  "Keep On Keeping On".  I think I FINALLY have it.  It is hard work for me to get an exact beat but that's like a good physical workout to an athlete. It is satisfying, stress relieving and productive.  Writing songs and composing music is what gets me through the lonesome and rough times--and winter!  It's fun to have a new song singing in my head!
                                               Daughter, Angie, wants to be
                                                              JUST LIKE MOM!

     This has been a good "get past the ogre" day in the life of Grandma G.

     "Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens."
      (Psalm 68:19)

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