Wednesday, March 21, 2012

TOO OLD for Sweepstakes?

     I entered (rather, TRIED to enter) a sweepstakes this evening.  One of those that ask for your age and has a list of years.  I tried posting 1946 and it didn't want it.  It only went to 1947---the oldest one can be is 65 to enter.  Discrimination.  So, folks, I lied.  Yes, I lied.  I put down I was born in 1949, which is what came up when I tried to be honest and say 1946. And the program was happy.  So we are both happy.  That's modern life--just trying to make an honest sweepstakes living. Only thing that can make me happier is actually winning.
     I came across one this evening for 4 nights in Banff  National Park, Canada!  That one has to have my name on it since that is where Kate, Betsy and I are headed this August.  Now, though, I guess it's Kate and I are headed that way OR Betsy and I are headed that way since it will be for me and one guest.  Sure hope Betsy isn't the one left out since SHE is the one that has always wanted to go there.  Sorry, Betsy, but we'll send pictures and updates.

Flashback!   MT. Hood and Columbia River between Portland and Vancouver.  My soon to be new home!  Not the mountain or river, but a cozy house in Vancouver. 

     I am in the thick of my ADD challenge---financial matters.  I can relate to people who have ADD problems.  Trying to figure out money matters for me is like having a bunch of mice running all over the house.  I know they are there and need to be caught, organized and caged, but try to catch them!  And I mean a bunch, not just one or two.  Trying to do taxes for the store, inventory, personal taxes, paying bills, figuring things between Lou and me is so overwhelming I simply don't do it. (sigh)  Is that what ADD is? (sigh)  There are so many good programs on TV, so many sweepstakes to enter, so many thoughts to think about, so many posts to blog, so many good snacks to consume, so many.....there is no time to do finances. (sigh) 

     I did get my printer to work.  After spending a half hour with Chuck on the phone, he suggested that perhaps I need a new ink cartridge.  Whatta you know!  I bought and inserted a new black ink cartridge and one wouldn't even know there was ever a problem.  Chuck is SO smart.  Another reason I can't get finances done.  Actually I can't blame that on Chuck being so smart, but rather that I needed to go to the store and buy a black ink cartridge, bring it home AND install it.  AND check to see if that made the printer work.  (You don't think I need to be concerned about ADHD with all that running to the store, etc, do you?) 

   Tomorrow is another day.  Tomorrow I will catch some mice that are running all over my house and table and purse and mind.  Tomorrow I will concentrate and get financial matters stablized.  I will.  Unless there are more sweepstakes to enter and TV to watch and black ink cartridges to buy and install and see if that makes the printer work.   

    This has been a good "need to catch some mice" day in the life of Grandma G.

"The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty." (Proverbs 21:5)

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