Monday, May 7, 2012

Great Recital Weekend! (once you get past the mouse)

      I was actually too busy and too tired at the end of the days to BLOG.  Sorry.
The weekend story really starts where Friday PM stopped.  Chuck had come down to sleep on the couch because of something climbing in the walls-----a dragon? ( I have occasionally heard a critter running through the walls, but only for 5-10 minutes.  I figured Chuck was over reacting.)  I went up to bed shortly after.  As I lay in bed I started hearing scratching, running, thumping--sometimes in the far wall, sometimes in the chimney area, sometimes in the wall right next to the bed and sometimes in the ceiling right over the top of me.  Then there was a brief stillness and it would start again.  A dragon?  Soon I was imagining this thing falling through the ceiling right onto my head.  But I was also very tired.  I figured whatever was up there could not get through the walls. 
     THE NEXT MORNING.....I got up a little short on sleep, but I wanted to spend time with my 3 granddaughters.  When I came downstairs, Anna, (mom)  was looking very, very tired.  She told how she was laying in the other bedroom and listened to something run around the perimeter of the room and then stop to pull yarn out of the edge of the carpet.  Then she could hear the thing run around in the walls.  She had come down stairs around 1:45 to talk to Chuck---when she woke him, he thought the creature was coming after him.  When she did get to sleep, morning came quickly as the youngest girl was up at 6:30.
     A great portion of the day was spent discussing "it".  Was IT a mouse, a rat, a squirrel, a racoon, a dragon?  Was it only in the walls or was it really in the bedroom?  Was it going to keep us all awake the next night?  How should we get rid of it?  Should we buy some mousetraps?  WHO should buy the mousetraps?  Who is going to set the mousetraps?  What should we use for bait---peanut butter, cheese or a nut?  Where should be set the traps?  And on it went....  One of the girls found a tiny hole in a corner of the middle room where she concluded the mouse WAS getting into the upstairs. 
     I volunteered to buy the traps since I had to go pick up the flowers for my recital anyway.  But I was not going to set them.   Chuck was brave to do that and we decided on 2 baited with peanut butter and 2 with cheese.  (I told my experience of the varments eating the peanut butter without springing the trap, but we opted for peanut butter anyway.)  With the 4 traps set in the late afternoon we all left to go have  a pizza supper.   We returned to all the traps still intact and went to bed with them intact.  I heard nothing all night--too busy sleeping.  Anna heard a little.  Next morning, sure enough,  the trap baited with peanut butter was still intact and the peanut butter GONE. 
     REST OF THE is now past midnight CDT Monday night.  I am going up to check the traps and ......they are all still set.   Check back for more of the REST OF THE STORY when it happens.
      Come back for pictures of fun events of the weekend. 

      Chuck helped me with blog settings.  It should receive comments now.  Try if you care to.  

 This has been a good 3 days of family and music in the life of Grandma G.

"How many are your works, O Lord!  In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures."  (Psalm 104:24)

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