Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A Week of Cups.... #2...(#3)....

 Park Falls  Souvenir Cup(s)

    This might look like an ordinary, everyday, run-of-the-mill, standard Park Falls souvenir cup.  It is MUCH more than that.  I'd like to say that leaving Park Falls was so heart wrenching that I couldn't leave the area without a cup of remembrance.  That is all true, but what is also true is that I didn't originally purchase it (them) for me.  "Them" is correct because I bought 2 cups 4 years ago to take to Australia as gifts.   My sister, Kate, and I travelled to Aussie to visit the host parents of my son, Burt, who was an exchange student there 24 years ago. (That story is for another cup of time.)
      It was a lot of work to package them so they would arrive in one piece (or 2 since there were 2 of them).  I had taken other gifts along as well, so WHY I didn't present them as gifts I do not remember.  But come time to leave I again had to be careful they would arrive back at my home in 2 complete pieces.  
      Back at home they set safely on a shelf somewhere, still encased in their travel wrappings.  I don't remember what I thought I would do with them---one doesn't need Park Falls souvenir cups when one is living in Park Falls.  However, 2 years later one started plans to leave Park Falls.  It is then that 2 Park Falls souvenir cups became "meaningful"----that is, after I discovered a bag of securely wrapped something on a shelf I was cleaning out. 
     These cups are significant because they proudly proclaim the truth that Park Falls, Wisconsin is the Ruffed Grouse Capital of the World.  Well, maybe not the world--they don't claim that--but at least of America.  (A noted hunting magazine featured an article about this very subject in recent years.) 
     I am not a hunter but I do have found memories of being 11 years old and following my uncle through the crunchy, sweet smelling leaves in the forest around Park Falls.  He was out ruffed grouse hunting and allowed me to walk along.  I remember the innocent joy of being surrounded by early autumn in the far north and the comfort of being welcomed by my uncle.  Such recollections are priceless. 
    Another great aspect of these cups is that they are ambi-holdable.  Someone had the foresight to print the picture on BOTH sides of the cup.  No left hand prejudice here.  So now with TWO cups with pictures on TWO sides of the cup Two of us can have tea time and be happy!  THE END. 

Whoa, HERE'S proof PF IS the Ruffed Grouse Capital of the World!

      Today was a good day.  Though not completely well I am well on the way to being well. I made several phone calls to schedule some fun outings and one to have a handyman come over to help with some chores.  My realtor stopped by and discussed a few things I need to know about and tend to.
      I received a surprise call from a friend in Park Falls who had some sad news.  I was sorry to hear about it, but it was nice that he wanted to let me know.  I think it made him feel better. 

Grandson, Zach, had offered to come over to help set up the studio.  He needed a ride and I felt confident to drive over and get him.  We stopped for a late lunch and then onto my place.  What did he do here?   He stacked boxes.  Then he unstacked boxes.  He cleared out the clog in the middle of the room so I can work on setting up a studio.  Trick now is for me to keep moving.

 This has been a good "feel at home here" day in the life of  Grandma G.

      "Trust in the Lord with all  your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."  (Proverbs 3: 5 & 6)

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