Monday, October 8, 2012

A Week of CUPS.....Oh, My....

      The truth be told.  It 's more like 8 weeks of cups. 

     When I was packing to move here to VC my sisters had me count how many cups I have.  At the moment they totaled 52--the cups, not my sisters.  Not on purpose, but by chance--the cups, not my sisters.  That's a different cup for each week of the year.  Since then I think I have counted a few more. 
       Each one has it's own story, though some are matching sets of 6 or 8.  Each is important, significant, nostalgic, comforting to me. 
       I decided as a change of focus to tell my story of 52+ cups.    One at a time.  Not all at one time.


     When I was living as a young foster child with a farm family near Indianapolis, Indiana I drank from a cup like this.  The family's dinnerware was M.A. Hadley. 
      Even after the family was grown up and gone (All 13 children) this was the set for elderly mom and dad.   Whenever I would visit I would have tea in a cup with a farm figure painted on it.  (I try to visit once a year.  My last one was Christmas 2011.  This past springtime at age 92 dad died and went on to be with his wife who died 3 years earlier.) 
      I found this particular cup 2 years ago in a shop in a tourist town near Park Falls, Wisconsin.  I has excited to see they carried the full set of dinnerware.  I picked out and bought this cup with the cow, since for many years theirs was a dairy farm.  
      What I do recall is that whenever I was done with my beverage, on the bottom "The End" was upside down.  I was always puzzled why.  It wasn't until I was an adult that I realized I am left handed (actually, I've known that for several years) and the cups were designed for right handed folks. 
      Now I am able hold the cup in my right hand in order to gaze at the right side up "The End" when the beverage is gone.  I do that sometimes.  Other times I simply gaze at the blank side of the cup as I sip my tea, reminisce about those loving days I enjoyed in my early childhood and wisely know the why of upside down "The End".   The End.   


      I am pleased to announce that I am feeling better.  Not completely, but able to be out and about.  This morning I attended a well organized Bible study here in my community. This afternoon I found my way to the grocery and spent lots of time and money. The city driving didn't seem so intimidating.
     The late afternoon was  warm and sunny I ate my dinner out on the deck.  The hum of the freeway traffic was actually rather soothing. "White noise" I think they call it. 
     My 2 granddaughters have been excited all day.  They are at a Justin Bieber concert at this very time.  Woo!  Someone at the cafe where Angie works sold them tickets quite cheaply last week.

     This has been a good "getting better" day in the life of Grandma G.  

     "The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble.  He cares for those who trust in him."  (Nahum 1:7)


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