Thursday, July 26, 2012

Looks Innocent, Right?

     I started off the day not feeling well so decided to do paper and computer work. After writing notes in a spiral notebook for awhile it dawned on me (after 60 years and hundreds of notebooks) why left handed people are so stoic about discomfort and outright pain. I am left handed.

    Take this ordinary, everyday, run of the mill, typical, clean, smooth, flat, familiar notebook. Looks inviting and innocent, right?


     If you are right handed you can hold your pen or pencil or crayon or marker or chalk or charcoal or whatever you want to hold and write smoothly with your hand and arm gracefully gliding across the paper while you pen or pencil or crayon or marker or chalk or charcoal or whatever your thoughts, insights and drawings onto the clean, innocent notebook. All in total comfort and ease.



IF you are LEFT HANDED.....WELL....Good Luck.

     Forget smooth sailing, gliding, comfort or ease. With every stroke your fingers, hand, wrist, and arm must scrape against barbwire, push against metal, climb over hills . It's hard to have positive, uplifting, insightful thoughts when one's skin and nerves are rubbed raw. It's a wonder we lefties have any inspiration at all.

     I'll often start at the BACK of the notebook if I am writing something just for myself. Even then I don't get the privilege of gracefully flowing across smooth, cool, clean paper. Maybe the Oriental folks have the right (left) idea of starting at the back and working forward. Anyway, my point from the beginning is that we lefties are "trained" to take discomfort, awkwardness, backwardness as simply a part of life. We don't even question it---until 60 years and hundreds of notebooks later.

     (This actually is a pet peeve of mine and someday I will upload a post I wrote before I started publishing. Keep checking back! Let's hear from all you lefties out there!! Tell me and the world your story!!)

     Now I have a fun story--a true one from today. I called my cable/phone/internet carrier this morning to inquire about disconnecting service when I move. The young lady assisting me was friendly and one of her typical business questions was why am I wanting to discontinue service. I told her I was moving cross country to Vancouver, WA. AND.....she responded that is where she is calling from. We continued chatting and she asked how I picked VC to move to. Was it merely a random spot I picked? I told her my oldest daughter lives there. She responded that when her mom and dad moved out in 1991 it was one of two places (the other was Illinois) they simply picked on the map and choose VC. She is very happy there and assured me I will be happy there. Her place of employment is only a few blocks from where I will be living. I told I will stop in to say hello someday! Put that on my VC social calendar.

     Here's another fun event from today, though it doesn't involve me except that it was happening across the street from my house. This evening we had a hard rain. I heard voices outside and saw the commotion. 


     This has been a good left handed, fun stories day in the life of Grandma G.

     "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones."( Proverbs 17:22)

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